The Amicable Relationship Split

We are all human and we can't help how we feel. Sometimes we leave our partners because we're simply not in love with them any more. It might be that we've developed other interests and want different things out of life or perhaps the relationship, through time, has just become 'stale.'

However, you might still care for one another and have shared investments, children and friends. Either way, at least one or all of these reasons dictates that you need to try and get along as amicably as possible and we fully appreciate that this isn't always easy to do!

Well - the good news is that for those not wishing to wait for two years, you no longer have to apportion blame, such as 'unreasonable behaviour' and 'adultery' to get divorced. The 'Divorce Dissolution & Separation Act 2020,' which comes into power on the 6th April 2022, gives you a 'no fault' option if you live in England or Wales. This is a 'kinder' alternative for both parties concerned and of course for any children from the relationship since it removes the requirement to publicly tarnish an individuals character and of course, this makes for a much better ‘friendship’ moving forwards.

If there aren’t any third parties involved and your just plain fed up with each others company, you might want to consider a separation rather than divorce? 'Familiarity breads contempt' as the saying goes! It might be that some time apart will enable you to fully assess how you truly feel about one another. It could also be that you just don't believe in divorce on religious grounds or that divorce is just 'a bit too final?'   

Talk to RJS Family Law to discuss all your divorce and separation options and let us help you move your life forward.


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