Separation Rather Than Divorce?

The decision to divorce is never an easy one and the process can be complicated and emotionally draining. However, in the UK, couples have the option of separation, which – as the name would suggest, allows you to separate without ending your marriage or civil partnership. 

Here are some of the benefits of separation over a divorce: 

  • Provide you with Thinking Space: Divorce is very final! It might be that you both still love each other BUT you simply need time apart to consider each other’s needs. Such space and reflection can bring new life to a relationship. 

  • Can be Less Stressful: Separation is generally less stressful than a divorce as it does not have to involve any court proceedings or lengthy legal paperwork. This makes it easier for couples to come to an agreement without having to go through the stress of a court hearing. 

  • Can be More Flexible: Separation allows couples to be more flexible in terms of their arrangements as they are not bound by any legal requirements or restrictions. This means that they can come up with their own arrangements that suit their individual needs and circumstances, rather than having to adhere to a set of rules imposed by the court. 

  • Can be Cheaper: Separation can be cheaper than a divorce, dependent on personal circumstances, since there are no court fees and legal fees aren’t generally as high for the separation process. This makes it an attractive option for couples who want to end their marriage but don’t have the financial resources for a full-blown divorce case. 

  • Quicker: Separation is usually quicker than a divorce as there is no need for lengthy court proceedings or paperwork. This means that couples can reach an agreement much faster and move on with their lives sooner rather than later. 

  • Easier on Children: Separation is often easier on children as it does not involve any court proceedings or public scrutiny, which can be difficult for children to cope with during such an emotional time in their lives. It also allows parents to come up with arrangements that suit their children’s needs without having to adhere to any specific rules imposed by the court system. 

Overall, separation can offer several benefits over divorce and can be a great option for couples who are not ready to commit to the final step of divorce OR who want to end their marriage but don’t want all of the stress and expense associated with going through a full-blown divorce case in court. 

For further information, please get in touch with RJS Family Law /


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