Mental Health & Divorce - A Few Tips on How to Cope

The breakdown of a long-term relationship is widely regarded as one of the most stressful life experiences; second only to the loss of a loved one. Little wonder then that contemplating, as well as as going through a divorce, can have a huge impact not only on a couples mental health, but also, that of their children.

Family relationship disputes can really take a toll on a persons wellbeing since there are so many emotional factors at play; especially when children, finances and homes are involved. According to recent statistics from 'Boudica & Eir,' the development and coach specialists for individuals and businesses, 61% of men and women said that divorce led them to changing jobs of leaving work and 71% stated that they left work, within 12 x months of getting divorced. Furthermore, 55% of divorces involve children which means that the impact of a divorce extends beyond the couple.

It might well be the case that a 'difficult' relationship' has taken its mental toll well prior to an actual divorce or separation which can have a significant impact on your ability to deal with the divorce and separation.

Given the impact that Separation and Divorce can have, RJS Family Law offers a supportive and emphatic service to support you through a stressful time.

For those contemplating or going through a divorce, here are some useful tips to help you through the process:

1. Don't be too hard on yourself! - It's OK to feel low and to function at a lesser rate; divorce is a big step to take and people and their feelings do change as life goes on.

2. Take time to relax and exercise - It's important to take time out and have a focus on something different such as a hobby or even going out / visiting friends - but try an avoid the subject of your divorce! Exercise is important to to give yourself the strength to cope.

3. Think positively - As we state on our website home page, 'a Spring follows Every Winter.' Your current state of 'anxiety, stress and pressure' won't continue for ever.

4. Consider your children - Listen to their concerns since they are involuntary passengers on this journey. Be compassionate and honest, but above all, avoid the urge to talk about your partner in negative terms to them and don't use them as 'tools' to gain information.

If you are completely stressed about a potential separation or divorce, don't suffer in silence; talk to RJS Family Law.


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