Christmas - A Time of Joy AND A Times to Test Relationships!

For most couples and families, Christmas is a time of happiness, relaxation and fun. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone and for some, Christmas can be a time of dread and anxiety since more time spent with one’s partner can intensify an already abusive relationship. 

Historically, the Christmas period sees an increase in domestic abuse with a 20% increase in reports of abuse to the Police. Many families and relationships can be torn apart at this supposed joyous time of the year.   

There seems to be something about Christmas, as well as events such as large sporting events such as football tournaments, that can bring both the best and worst out in people magnifying often underlying issues. Some of the most common reasons for relationship disharmony and subsequent abuse are as follows:

– Increased stress
– Increased financial pressures
– Excess intake of alcohol
– Family problems become compounded
– Stuck in close confines

Whatever the reasons, abuse shouldn’t be tolerated. 

Our Advice:

  • Domestic abuse is a crime, this includes physical, emotional, sexual, financial and controlling and coercive behaviour. If you feel that you are in immediate danger, call 999. The Police take domestic violence seriously and will be able to offer you immediate protection.

  • There are also organisations who will both listen and help (we can provide you with details of such organisations)

  • As a family solicitor, we can issue a ‘Non – Molestation Order’ which takes 2 to 3 days to put in place. Such an order is aimed at preventing your partner from using threatening and intimidating behaviour and violence against you and your children.

In certain instances, a Non - Molestation Order, dealings with the Police and the thought of losing their family, might just be a big enough ‘jolt’ to bring an abusive individual to their senses and make them realise that they need to change. 

However, in many cases, it’s shown that such individuals are unlikely to change – certainly without a sustained programme of professional help. Things might calm down for a time BUT if it’s something that’s being going on for some considerable time, the likely hood is that their abusive behaviour will begin to escalate again. The only real answer is to get away from them. 

RJS Family Law realises that getting away from an abuser is seldom as simple as it might appear to those outside of your relationship. Besides emotional attachments and love, there are concerns and worries centred around the children and of course – finances and living arrangements. Such concerns can, all too often, conspire towards putting off the inevitable! 

However, by contacting RJS Family Law you are taking the first and most difficult step towards a healthier life. We can help you escape the cycle of abuse since we are experts in separation and divorce. As such, we can work with you to sort out children’s contact issues, finances and your home. 

To make things easier, we offer an initial FREE consultation – answering many of your concerns and we provide a close, personal ‘one-to one’ service enabling you to deal with the same solicitor from beginning to end. 

To find out more about our 5 X star, customer rated service, get in touch today.  


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