How to Give Evidence
I’m often asked by clients about the best way to give evidence. My top tips are:
Give your answers to the Judge in a clear and concise way.
Don’t panic; take your time, speak slowly and clearly.
Don’t be afraid to ask for a question to be repeated if you do not understand it or you didn’t hear it properly.
If you are not sure of an answer don’t ‘waffle.’ Simply say that you are not sure.
Always dress smartly to show respect and to show that you are taking the situation seriously.
Tell the truth. Liars always get caught out. The worse evidence I have seen being given was when a person changed their story several times dependant upon the question they were being asked. They were clearly lying and the judge knew it.
Do not lose your temper. I have also seen people get very angry about the questions they are asked. Remember it is the advocate’s job to trip you up and to make you look bad. Don’t make it easy for them! Stay calm, cool and collected - no matter how much they try to provoke you.
Don’t take your phone with you. It shows a lack of respect.
Contact us for a free initial consultation.